This file contains e-mails to, from, and about Seung Hui Cho, as well as poetry and fiction of his and a statement from his family. The e-mails are from both before and after the attack (most from before) and are not in order.
This document provides a summary of Nikolas Cruz’s educational history and the relevant laws and statutes that guided the district’s process.
This document contains numerous school assignments of Adam Lanza’s going back to grade school, as well as other materials. Some pages are completely redacted.
This document includes a letter from the Vice President of Student Development regarding Loughner’s withdrawal from the college, and a letter from the college police department regarding his suspension from the college due to safety concerns.
This contains emails to and from Jared Loughner, as well as those circulated within the college about him.
These pages contain campus police records relating to Loughner.