[SS.I 4.0] This article examines school shootings committed by men at least 25 years old: Marc Lépine, Kimveer Gill, Steven Kazmierczak, and Jiverly Wong.
Original documents
This document contains Gill's pages from the site This material includes the results of online questionnaires he completed as well as his postings. There has been ongoing controversy regarding whether or not Kimveer Gill played the video game Super Columbine Massacre. Gill lists this as one of his favorite games on page 15 of this document.
These are scans of printed pages; the stray markings on some pages are mine (P.L.). In addition, in some cases words at the edges of the pages did not print and I have written them in.
This document contains the text of Gill's postings. I found the document online and though the content is accurate, the format is not the same as in his actual postings. This document contains most of the same material as the scanned version, but with the advantages that it is easier to read and the content is searchable.