Steven Kazmierczak
14 February 2008 · Northern Illinois University · DeKalb, IllinoisUSA


Adult School Shooters (version 1.2) [22 pp, 307 Kb]

[SS.I 4.0] This article examines school shootings committed by men at least 25 years old: Marc Lépine, Kimveer Gill, Steven Kazmierczak, and Jiverly Wong.

Official reports

Northern Illinois University Official Report [322 pp, 13.6 Mb]

This is the official report on Steven Kazmierczak, the attack, and the university's response.


NIU Memorial Archive [39 pp, 190 Kb]

This document contains information about the archive of materials related to the shooting at Northern Illinois University, including a form to be completed by researchers interested in accessing the archive.