Michael Carneal
1 December 1997 · Heath High School · West Paducah, KentuckyUSA


Rampage School Shooters: A Typology [11 pp, 600 Kb]

This article appeared in the journal Aggression and Violent Behavior (published by Elsevier) and is reprinted with their permission. The article provides a brief overview of the scholarly literature on school shooters, followed by a presentation of my typology.

Original documents

2000: James v. Meow Media [27 pp, 250 Kb]

The parents of some of the victims of Carneal’s attack claimed that he was influenced by violent media and sued the makers of the media products that allegedly contributed to his motivation to commit violence. The outcome was as follows: “An order dismissing this case in its entirety will be entered.”

2002: Carneal Court of Appeals [90 pp, 274 Kb]

This document addresses allegations of negligence on the part of multiple people, including Carneal’s parents, his neighbor (from whom he stole the gun used in the attack), and peers who knew he had brought guns to school prior to his attack.

2002: James v. Meow Media [18 pp, 160 Kb]

James continued to pursue the case after the initial decision was unfavorable. This case affirms “the district court's dismissal of James's actions.”

2006: Carneal v. Commonwealth [7 pp, 92 Kb]

During his imprisonment, Carneal’s psychosis was relieved by medication. He then claimed that his earlier guilty plea was made while he was incompetent due to his mental illness. This document addresses this claim.

2008: Carneal Court of Appeals [21 pp, 1.8 Mb]

Carneal appealed his case, desiring to withdraw his guilty plea and claiming that he had been misdiagnosed. The court record includes important information about Michael's mental health.

2009: Carneal v. Donahue [28 pp, 2.19 Mb]
2009: Commonwealth v. Carneal [13 pp, 162 Kb]

This case is a continuation of Carneal’s appeal.

2010: Carneal v. Donahue [4 pp, 98 Kb]

This case continues Carneal’s appeal.

2011, July: Carneal v. Crews [32 pp, 278 Kb]

This is a further appeal, consisting of Carneal’s claim that “he was not competent to plead guilty to murder, attempted murder, and burglary in 1998 due to an undiagnosed mental illness that he did not fully appreciate until several years later.”

2011: Carneal v. Donahue [13 pp, 940 Kb]