Looking ahead: School Shooters .info 4.0

The School Shooters .info team is hard at work on a new version of this website. School Shooters .info 4.0 will represent a complete overhaul of the functionality and design of the site, and will introduce a wealth of new data, features, and documents. As part of the reimagining of the site, every exclusive document is in the process of being newly copyedited, typeset, and proofread to higher standards than ever before. In anticipation of the launch of SS.I 4.0, we are publishing some of these new versions of documents on the current site. Such newly edited and designed documents are marked with “[SS.I 4.0]” at the start of their descriptions. These documents should be considered provisional, and we may continue to make small adjustments to them without incrementing their version numbers. Normal versioning will resume once the new website is launched. More information on the next iteration of School Shooters .info will be posted on this page as our work progresses.

Exclusive documents that have been re-edited, re-typeset, and provisionally published in new form:

“William Atchison’s FBI Interview”

“The Search for Truth at Columbine”

“Don’t Name Them, Don’t Show Them, but Report Everything Else”

“JCSO Columbine Documents Organized by Theme”

“Elliot Rodger's Journal”

“Charles Andrew Williams”

“School Shooters on College Campuses”


“Multi-Victim School Shootings in the United States”

“Adam Lanza — a Timeline”

“Not-So-Random Acts of Violence”

“The Columbine ‘Basement Tapes’”

“Themes in the Writings of Eric Harris”

“Eric Harris’s Journal”

“Adam Lanza’s Call to AnarchyRadio

“Dorothy Dutiel’s Suicide Notes"

“Adam Lanza’s Audio Recordings”

“Anthony McRae’s Note”

“Influences on the Ideology of Eric Harris”

“Eric Harris”

“Elliot Rodger’s ‘Retribution’ Video”

“Jesse Osborne’s Instagram Account”

“Dylan Klebold’s Journal and Other Writings”

“Kenneth Bartley’s Suicide Note”

“Alex Hribal’s Letter”

“Alvaro Castillo’s Journal”

[Last updated 12 February 2025]