Original documents
This was the homepage to Fabrikant’s website as of 2009 and perhaps later. The homepage is still there but it has been changed.
These documents are the transcripts from Fabrikant’s trial and were created by combining dozens of smaller documents posted on Fabrikant’s personal website. The link to one of the documents did not work, so there are presumably missing pages for part of one day’s transcripts (the last of three links to the hearing on July 14).
These documents are the transcripts from Fabrikant’s trial and were created by combining dozens of smaller documents posted on Fabrikant’s personal website. The link to one of the documents did not work, so there are presumably missing pages for part of one day’s transcripts (the last of three links to the hearing on July 14).
Fabrikant defends his actions and presents himself as unrepentant for committing murder.
Fabrikant wrote two versions of this document—a brief one and an expanded one.
This document combines three files from Fabrikant’s website.
Official reports
Fabrikant had a long history of conflict with the university and this report investigates his complaints.
This report documents the history of Fabrikant's years at Concordia from 1979 to 1992, highlighting his erratic behavior and warning signs of impending violence.